Flood Forecast
Wave runup predictions at this site are made with historical LiDAR- and GPS-derived foreshore beach slope extending from MSL to MHW at MOP transects D0667 (Seaside Parking Lot), D0676 (Living Shorelines Berm), D0679 (Chart House Restaurant) and D0681 (Cardiff Beach Parking Lot). Nearshore forecasted wave conditions are modeled in 10m water depth at the offshore end of each transect. Forecasted waves include mean setup and time-variable swash motions, predicted by the Integrated Power law Approximation (IPA) described in this paper. The equation is tuned for Cardiff Seaside, with optimal parameter values:

The flood threshold (red line) is taken to be the vertical measurement (MLLW datum) of the parking lot (at Seaside and Cardiff Beach) and berm (at the Living Shoreline). Observed waves for this plot are derived with the ‘nowcast’ MOP wave products. Historical records of parking lot flood events can be found on this page.