The Coastal Processes Group participates in focused field experiments and projects designed to collect the observations to address specific research questions relevant to improving our understanding of coastal processes science and engineering. Recent projects are described here.

The 2019-20 winter Storm CoAstal Response Project (SCARP) at Torrey Pines State Beach investigated the response of beaches and cliffs to extreme events (e.g., large waves, high tides, rain, lagoon closings etc.) when shoreline infrastructure is most at risk.

Cobble Tracking
Cobbles naturally stabilize many beaches, have been used to construct artificial protective berms, and will increasingly influence shoreline change in the face of sea level rise. However, cobble distributions in space and time, and the dynamics of their motion, are little studied and understood poorly. This project uses Radio-frequency identification (RFID) technology to track individual beach cobbles.

Resilient Futures: Imperial Beach
Resilient Imperial Beach is a project to upgrade the City of Imperial Beach's flood alert capabilities and develop tools to better prepare stakeholders for sea-level rise. The project is being implemented in close collaboration with the City of Imperial Beach with support from the David C. Copley Foundation.