The Coastal Processes Group employs a range of field data collection technologies and methodologies to increase the accuracy and efficiency of our coastal monitoring program. Efforts include the development and testing of in-situ instruments (e.g., sonar altimeters, pressure sensors, current meters), GPS systems, mobile lasers (LIDAR), and the remote sensing of beaches, coastal cliffs, lagoons, bathymetry, coastal inundation, and coastal structures using unmanned aircraft systems (UAS).

Mobile scanning LiDAR has extended our survey coverage from beaches only, to include coastal cliffs, back beach berms, and coastal lagoons. With different platforms, LiDAR can also be used to measure waves, runup, and flooding. Development of LiDAR systems for rapid response monitoring to coastal storms are under development.

Newly acquired photogrammetric survey drones enable significant spatial and temporal expansion of current coastal surveys at orders of magnitude higher resolution. Drones are also used to opportunistically observe runup and flooding, in locations of interest, but lacking supporting observational infrastructure.